What’s the cause? Well, the river, over the years, has been degraded by people who’re clearing swamps to create land for farming and livestock. In the process, they forced it to forge new pathways for its water, resulting into massive destruction. Thankfully, there’s been a deafening public outcry to reverse this tragedy. People have gathered to combat these reprehensible habits. 

Over the weekend (30th July 2023), there was a successful #SaveRiverRwiziMarathon that was held at Golf Course, Mbarara, to create awareness about the impending disaster affecting the river. The proceeds from the marathon will go towards the scaling of the plastic waste bunker initiative in a bid to ease the disposal, collection, and recycling of plastic waste. This will also put the word out there for everyone who benefits from River Rwizi to stop and act. 

The #SaveRiverRwiziMarathon attracted hundreds of well-wishers and various stakeholders like Nile Breweries LTD, Ministry of Water & Environment, WWF Uganda, NEMA, and many more. They put their feet forward in trying to make River Rwizi flow on. Hopefully, we won’t be seeing people crying us a river when our beloved River Rwizi has dried up. 

River Rwizi originates from Buhweju Hill with various tributaries. The river covers over 8,200km and is a source of livelihood to both people and animals in Mbarara, Kiruhura, Lwengo, Isingiro, Rakai, Rwampara, Rubirizi, Buhweju, and more.